
Monday, May 16, 2011


Catching up here.  Easter was busy and enjoyable.  We saw little of Kyle.  He was overloaded with work leading up to a trial. So I attempted to keep all of us busy as to keep from noticing his absence.   Recently, I've noticed when Kyle's home we get lazy.  We just lay around and enjoy his company.  His company is rare as of late.  The house turns to filth and not much gets accomplished.  So with Kyle being out of touch from early morning to late night we did Easterize ourselves (I made up that word).  More than previous years, that is.  We colored our eggs a couple of days in advanced.  We tried out the famous "Easter Story Cookies" recipe that follows the events leading up to the resurrection of Christ for each added ingredient.  Ending with the cookies sealed in the tomb (oven) the night before only to find that they too have risen come Easter morning.  As was the tomb empty so are the cookies, being hollow.  Sweet story.  Gross cookies.  Yet the kids said they enjoyed the process (as did I) and want to make them again next year.  Plus we were able to take some of this recipe to frost our Easter Bunny Cake.  Which, by the way, we've (we = Jaden and I) decided that the Easter Bunny Cake isn't all that delicious.  We'd either need to make it purely for decoration or come up with a better recipe.  So Jaden came up with the bright idea to make it half it's original size since we weren't taking the time to find a new recipe or eating it.  Then the kids sat through our favorite rabbit story, The Country Bunny.  After which, Jaden, being my sidekick that weekend, stuffed all of the eggs.  On Easter morning Kyle was around long enough to see the kids hunt for eggs.  And that evening he was back just in time for a feast with our lovely next door neighbors.  


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