
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Miss Jaden's summer school invite

Parents of Ty, Jake, Holden, Sammy, Elle and Keiko,

I am planning to teach my summer school again and would like to know if your child wants to come? I haven't decided on the date because I am waiting to hear from my elementary school to see which day of the week they plan to open the library. I want to have my school the same day that the library is open because, as something new this year, me and my mom plan to take a trip to the library every time they come to class. You'll see why later.

New this year:
  • My class will be longer cause your kids are older. It will be 4 hours from 9:00-1:00 (date to be determined).
  • I will make your children lunch the night before if you would like.
  • My price will go up because of the new time and lunch making @ $5.00 a day.
Just so you know this year I will focus on: a love for reading, math and fun science. Also, I want to remind you that this is not a play date and I expect your child to be able to sit and behave through my lessons. But don't worry I make my lessons fun and exciting. We will have plenty of breaks for fun and being silly so your kid will want to come back to my class, of course!

Excited to teach,

Miss Jaden Harris

P.S. My mom edited this so don't think I'm a brainiac or something.


Sara said...

Can Charlie come? Man, we really miss Houston sometimes!
Miss you guys!

Leslie said...

I LOVE THAT! I LOVE HER! That is really priceless. Would she take Tate? That may be worth the airfare!

talonandanna said...

fun for her and what a good mom to encourage this. :) she's so grown up. hey- if we sign up will you talk to us? :) how's life em?

Leaa said...

I really am so impressed by her class. Most people don't start working on their resume until they are much older. If Corrine was older I would do it.