
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanksgiving at home

Over the years I've had quite a few experienced chefs in my kitchen during the Thanksgiving holiday but none of them hold a candle to Jaden. She stayed up with Kyle and I until 11:30 preparing the turkey (that cooks through the night). Raising this one is already starting to pay off.

Jaden helped to clean out the gizzards,
(I love this candid pic we caught)

inject the herbs and flavoring,

and of course, in the end, take all the credit for a
beautiful turkey that was even more delicious!

Not to be outdone by her performance the night before,
Jaden decorated a beautiful Thanksgiving table.

Ty did as he only knows best - he got ready for some football. Really, he went up to his room alone and came back down fully dressed in this. Reese was also in the kitchen as my nearly naked, not so helpful shadow.

Our long awaited guests Nick, Katy and Sutton arrived
from San Antonio and we did feast. Followed by some serious playing of the wii.

Did I mention serious? Click on the pic to see their faces. Yes,
baby Sutton, this is what you have to look forward to.

Reese dons the "Great Gobbler" crown that was not rightfully hers. Jaden won this years "Great Gobbler" questionnaire of Thanksgiving trivia challenging Uncle Nick to 3 sudden deaths. Never got Jaden to pose for a picture however.


Leslie said...

Wow! I loved looking at these pics! I could just picture Jaden doing all that stuff and I actually got my wii controller out and started playing with the boys. I just really appreciate these kinds of posts because it makes me forget that I'm not in Houston. Turkey looked good, table looked great, kids looked adorable, I could go on and on...but then I'd sound like a stalker.

talonandanna said...

good times with the davises for sure! fun that your sistas all showed up and surprised you! happy belated 30th! and happy holidays to you and your darling fam!