
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Playing hookie

We don't have "snow days" in Houston. You know, the days of the week where a blanket of snow covers the ground, therefore sending your children to school becomes to dangerous in certain parts of the country? Well, here in Houston, we just have hurricanes that wipe you out for weeks at a time. Regardless of the natural disaster, today Ty got to take advantage of what we'll call a "snow day" which he spent with Reese and myself at the zoo. The weather was a cool 81 degrees and we couldn't pass it up.

Here's the trick: send them to school like normal, pick them up a few hours later after attendance has been taken and when your pretty sure they'll be having 3 sets of "specials" in a row, ensuring any guilt you may have had go out the window. It's kindergarten, on top of that it's the first few months of kinder where all of the naughty children are still working the classroom. They're not missing much.

And we'll likely do it all over again. In a few months. Especially after Ty tells me the next day, "Mom, I still like that you took me out of school. I will never forget that day."

Jaden is up next, except her "snow day" takes a little more effort to be sure she's not missing out on important lessons. Ty's was on a whim and he had no idea. Jaden's will have to be scheduled and not near as lengthy.


Real Life Roberts said...

Love the idea...even if we do have snow days! You have some cute kids!

Leslie said...

You are a cool mom. Show your kids this post when they are teenagers so they can remember what a cool mom they have. Miss you.