
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trying to get a video of Reese. . .

To my sisters who keep asking for videos of Reese: I'm telling you I can not grant your wish. I've been trying and trying. It's like she knows when I pull out the camera. Even when I am hiding. Maybe it's loud or maybe she's possessed. Here she is so cute and content reading in her chair. . . then she attacks me. When I begin to shoot video she comes after me. Here's what I've got.

However, in my efforts to get Reese on video I managed to get some awesome footage of Ty the Guy. This kid has no shame. He even comes up with his own sound track for the performance. And ya' think Jaden might be vying for some airtime? Ty can't do anything with out her becoming involved. Ty starts to tell a story Jaden finishes it - you get the picture.

This video below is black mail material. Don't ask.

P.S. there's no particular reason why he went skins on this one.


Leslie said...

Laughing so hard I had to cross my legs to keep from peeing. Oh, that was goooooood. Ty the Guy rules! (Reese was sweet...I want to squeeze her.)

Unknown said...

Okay that is hysterical! I love his moves. :) What a funny kid. I think that the Reesey's video was very sweet. And the song matches her well. She is a good girl. Happy Birthday tomorrow Reese. Ha I hope I beat all of you fools. Okay maybe I'm a little over the top, but Ty's "hello good-bye" stuff made me loopy.

kado! said...

Love the picture with the pink bow! So cute! Happy Birthday!!!

...hey if you talk to your sis Sarah...her blog went to private...will you tell her I'd love to catch up with her and if she'd like...could she send me an invite to view her blog! I haven't talked to her in some time!

miss you guys too!