Our favorite boy is five and we can't believe it! Ty had 6 of his best buddies over and Kyle loaded them up and drove to the LEGO store where they each got to choose a lego box and then returned home for lunch and cake. Ty was 1 year shy of being old enough to officially be allowed, by the store, to have a birthday party. But that didn't hold him back. They went anyway. Honestly, the difference was them being able to put their legos together at the lego store with a table they provided. They weren't missing much.
These days Ty is most interested with star wars light sabers and LEGO's, preferably star wars lego's. He loves jumping on the tramp with buddies and older sis. He enjoys having homework assigned from his pre-school as he looks up to Jaden and sees that that is what she's doing. He is such an obedient child. He remembers every word that comes out of my mouth and follows through. Often, I forget that I have even asked a certain task of him or given an assignment but don't worry he'll come clean and remind me even though it is asking more of him. He is such a sweet, inquisitive, thoughtful, easy going, laid back kid that doesn't take life to seriously, yet. We love you Ty guy!
Kyle made a deal with Ty a few months ago. If Ty read through his whole Dick and Jane book (194 pages) before he started kindergarten in the fall then Kyle would march over to Target and purchase the Wii! Honestly, we've just been trying to prolong the inevitability that we would one day get it and then Ty's life would be taken over by it unless, of course, some serious rules were made. At first Ty thought it to large a task and read a page here and there, then the book got lost for a time and found, then lost again. Anyway, we found it a couple weeks before his birthday and with the help of Aunt Sarah visiting (as well as her desire for the wii while she visited) the two of them tore into the book and had it read 3 days before his birthday. The timing worked out great.
I'm honored that my boy is one of the "6" best buddies! What a cute boy Ty is! I love him and so does the rest of our family. Holden brought him back a lava rock from the volcano we hiked up in Utah. He's been dying to give it to him. :)
Look like he had LOTS of fun! Happy Birthday to Ty!
Happy Birthday! Ty sounds like a wonderful part of your family. You sure have a cute famiy.
Em, just make him slow down! I'm missing his life! I love that boy so much and he's like...who are you! Anyway I will ask to talk to him more when I call. He is always so stinkin' busy though. Maybe I could make an appointment? Tell him how cool I am whenever you get a chance...I'm pretty good at the wii...I love Dick and Jane and I am a master at lego's! Don't make me sound too desperate though...it might work against me! love ya!
Oh how funny...sounds so much like my house...Connor loves STAR WARS & LEGOS! So glad he had a happy bday!~
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