
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The first day of the rest of their lives

Ty's first day of kindergarten and Jaden's first day of fourth grade at Mary Marek.

I overheard this conversation between Jaden and Ty this morning, the first day of school, as they had convened in Ty's room - well before the alarm was to go off. Both were were beyond excited to begin their day. During this time Jaden took the opportunity to give Ty a few pointers as only an experienced sibling can.

Jaden (in a very strict low voice): "You know Ty, if you ever get in trouble for talking out of turn, or not listening, or not sharing you'll probably get a warning. After that you'll loose recess and after that you'll get sent to the principles office. You DO NOT want to go there because you could get suspended."

Ty: "What's suspended?"

Mom: "Jaden, that will be all. Thanks for the helpful tips, now go get dressed."

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Cried at the first post...laughed at the second. I could totally picture the ENTIRE conversation! Love those kids.